Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Game Wiki

Published September 1 2020
Last Updated December 30 2021

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Reverse Stage feat image

What is a Reverse Stage?[]

Unlocked after clearing Episode 143 of Chapter 9, “Reverse Stage” is an advanced game mode where players travel back to the notable battles of the Story Mode. This time around, the narrative is flipped and you get to experience playing as the enemy. All the allies you’ve met in the previous chapters become your opponents and the objective is to win against them.

Reverse Stage feat

Each village consists of different stages, and each stage has missions where you can acquire a maximum of 3 stars. Collect the stars and earn rewards upon reaching a milestone!

Reverse Stage stars

Reverse Stage rewards

Similar to the Training Grotto, Equipment stats are not applied to heroes in Reverse Stages. The Combat Class is only determined by their hero level, awakening level, ultimate level, and costumes.

Season 1 Heroes[]

You can bring any hero-type that is required. Below are the specific recommendations and the number of times they are used in battle.

Recommended # of Stages Village/s
Allioni Galioni 2 Vanya
Arden Barden 1 West District
Cain Gcain 1 Vaizel
Deathpierce Gdeathpierce 1 West District
Dogedo Rdogedo 1 West District
Dreyfus Rdreyfus 4 Liones Castle
Elaine Gelaine 1 Post Town Tala
Freesia Bfriesia 2 Dalmally
Gilthunder Ggil 7 Vanya

Liones Castle

West District

Golgius Bgolgius 2 Dalmally
Griamore Rgriamore 4 Vanya


West District

Guila Bguila 5 Post Town Tala


Gustav Ggustaf 2 Post Town Tala

Liones Castle

Helbram Rhelbram 4 Vaizel

Liones Castle

Hendrickson Ghendrickson 2 Liones Castle
Howzer Rhowzer 4 Vaizel

Liones Castle

West District

Hugo Ghugo 2 Ordan Village
Jericho Gjericho 4 Dalmally


Liones Castle

Jillian Gjillian 1 Ordan Village
Jude Rjude 2 Dalmally
Marmas Bmarmas 3 Post Town Tala


Ruin Gruin 2 Dalmally
Simon Rsimon 2 Ordan Village
Slater Rslater 1 Ordan Village
Taizoo Rtaizoo 1 Vaizel
Twigo Rtwigo 2 Vanya
Vivian Rvivian 2 Liones Castle

West District

Weinheidt Bweinheidt 2 Ordan Village

Season 2 Heroes[]

You can bring any hero-type that is required. Below are the specific recommendations and the number of times they are used in battle.

Recommended # of Stages Village/s
Allioni Galioni 1 The Other Heroes
Arden Barden 2 The Pleiades of the Azure Sky
Cain Gcain 1 The Other Heroes
Deathpierce Gdeathpierce 1 The Pleiades of the Azure Sky
Deldry Rdeldry 1 The Pleiades of the Azure Sky
Dogedo Rdogedo 1 The Pleiades of the Azure Sky
Freesia Bfriesia 2 Weird Fangs
Golgius Bgolgius 2 Weird Fangs
Guila Bguila 2 Holy Knights of Liones
Gustav Ggustaf 1 Holy Knights of Liones
Hugo Ghugo 3 Roars of Dawn
Jericho Gjericho 2 Holy Knights of Liones
Jillian Gjillian 1 Roars of Dawn
Jude Rjude 1 Weird Fangs
Marmas Bmarmas 2 Holy Knights of Liones
Ruin Gruin 2 Weird Fangs
Simon Rsimon 3 Roars of Dawn
Slater Rslater 2 Roars of Dawn
Taizoo Rtaizoo 1 The Other Heroes
Twigo Rtwigo 1 The Other Heroes
Weinheidt Bweinheidt 1 Roars of Dawn

Season 3 Heroes[]

You can bring any hero-type that is required. Below are the specific recommendations and the number of times they are used in battle.

Recommended # of Stages Village/s
Derieri Rderieri 4 Liones Castle

Labyrinth Center

Light of Grace

Drole Gdrole 1 Labyrinth Center
Elaine Gelaine 1 My Sweet Gluttony
Estarossa GEstarossa 2 Liones Castle
Fraudrin Gfraudrin 5 My Sweet Gluttony

Liones Castle

Labyrinth Center

Galland Bgalland 3 My Sweet Gluttony

Camelot Castle

Light of Grace

Gerharde Ggerharde 1 Camelot Castle
Gloxinia Rgloxinia 1 Labyrinth Center
Gowther Rgowther 1 Liones Castle
Melascula Rmelascula 1 My Sweet Gluttony
Monspeet Gmonspeet 4 Liones Castle

Labyrinth Center

Light of Grace

Zeldris Rzeldris 1 Labyrinth Center

Special Stage Heroes[]

A special stage featuring Ragnarok and [The Seven Catastrophes] Heroes!

You can bring any hero-type that is required. Below are the specific recommendations and the number of times they are used in battle.

Recommended # of Stages Village/s
Meliodas Lvmeliodas 2 Memories of Fall

Memories of Winter

Jericho Gjericho 1 Memories of Spring
Guila Bguila 1 Memories of Spring
King Gking 1 Memories of Spring
Howzer Rhowzer 1 Memories of Spring
Eastin Geastin 1 Memories of Summer
Mono Gmono 1 Memories of Summer
Valenti Gvalenti 1 Memories of Summer
Shin Gshin 1 Memories of Summer
Camila Rcamila 1 Memories of Summer
Roxy Groxy 1 Memories of Summer
Ban Rpban 1 Memories of Fall
Elaine Gelaine 1 Memories of Fall
Ellatte Rellatte 1 Memories of Fall
Bellion Bbellion 1 Memories of Fall
Thonar Gthonar 1 Memories of Winter
Sigurd Rsigurd 1 Memories of Winter
Brunhild Gbrunhild 1 Memories of Winter

Upgrade Priority List[]

Use this priority list as a guide to maximize your progress efficiently by upgrading the heroes in order. The list is based on the usability of heroes in various game modes especially in the Training Grotto, at the same time making a quick progression in the Reverse Stages.

Note that heroes should be at least Grade UR and at the maximum awakening level to proceed to the next priority. In some cases, a max ultimate level is needed for a certain hero. An additional boost in CP can be acquired by unlocking costumes as you max out the affinity of different hero types. It is important to go first in battle and surpass the recommended CP for each Reverse Stage. There’s no need to further upgrade your heroes once the recommended CP is reached. For Season 2 stages, you can use CC food if you wish to opt-out on additional hero Limit Break to reach the recommended CP.

For Season 3 stages, reaching the Enemy CC may require your Heroes to be Level 80 and Super Awakened to Tier 4. Ideally, food buffs should be HP or Attack food. When using Green Estarossa, Lifesteal food is highly recommended.

Special stages are a lot easier compared to Season 3. All stages can be cleared with 3 stars even if your heroes are only Level 60 and Super Awakened to Tier 1. However, keep in mind that most of the required heroes are from limited-time banners (Ragnarok and The Seven Catastrophes).

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Ggil Rhowzer Rgriamore Rvivian Galioni
6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Rtwigo Gelaine Bguila Gjericho Bmarmas
11th 12th 13th 14th 15th
Rhelbram Ggustaf Rdreyfus Bhendrickson Rslater
16th 17th 18th 19th 20th
Gjillian Gruin Bgolgius Rjude Bfriesia
21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th
Rsimon Bweinheidt Ghugo Rdogedo Gdeathpierce
26th 27th 28th 29th 30th
Barden Gcain Rtaizoo Rdeldry Rgowther
31st 32nd 33rd 34th 35th
Gfraudrin GEstarossa Gelaine Bgalland Rmelascula
36th 37th 38th 39th 40th
Ggerharde Gdrole Rgloxinia Rderieri Gmonspeet
41st 42nd 43rd 44th 45th
Rzeldris Gking Geastin Gmono Gvalenti
46th 47th 48th 49th 50th
Gshin Rcamila Groxy Rpban Rellatte
51st 52nd 53rd 54th
Bbellion Gthonar Rsigurd Gbrunhild

Reverse Stage Order[]

Following the upgrade priority list, you can finish the stages in this order:

Village Stage Tips
1 Vanya The Lightning King's Pursuit Use Barrier and wait for your ultimate gauge to completely fill up.
2 West District The Great Battle of Truth Rush Green Gilthunder's ultimate skill and use a level 2 Barrier from Red Griamore to negate Blue King from depleting your ultimate move gauge. Use attack or defense food to strengthen your Barrier.
3 West District Mysterious Stalker Red Vivian must have a max level ultimate to win this stage. You can use a lifesteal food for faster regeneration of HP as you take down Green Meliodas. RNG is a big factor to naturally combine cards and use your ultimate more frequently.
4 Vanya The Dragon Sin of Wrath Appears Burst down enemy Red Elizabeth first while utilizing your Green Allioni’s Taunt skill to absorb incoming damage.
5 Vanya How to Become a Holy Knight Burst down Red Hawk & Elizabeth first to disable the enemy's passive heal. Continue hitting Blue Meliodas every turn using your AoE skills so his passive won't stack.
6 Post Town Tala Guardian Saint of the Fountain of Youth RNG plays a big factor in winning. Decrease skill ranks to mitigate damage and deplete the enemy’s ultimate move gauge only when it queues an ultimate skill next turn. Note that enemy Green Ban is immune to stun and revives once with 35% HP upon dying.
7 Vaizel King vs. Guila & Jericho Rush Green Jericho's ultimate and use Blue Guila's recovery to heal and break out from petrification.
8 Vaizel Meliodas's Disappearance Use HP food and Red Howzer’s special association effect to boost the HP of Blue Guila. You can alternatively use Red Guila because she has the affinity advantage and can cancel the enemy’s Extort buff. Red Griamore's shield can also block Extort if the Barrier doesn't break. Note that the enemy revives once with 35% HP upon dying.
9 Post Town Tala Love and Apologies Slowly build Ignite debuffs and deal significant damage using Blue Guila's ultimate. You can inflict damage and debuff to Red Giant Diane using AoE skills. Marmas can disable the debuff skills of using his Maraca Smash.
10 Vaizel Diane in Danger Burst down the boss with your Red Howzer's ultimate. One way of lowering the enemy’s damage is to inflict a Defense Decrease debuff. Note that the enemy inflicts more damage when HP gets lower.
11 Vaizel Magic on Another Level Firstly take down enemy Diane, followed by Hawk & Elizabeth, then Meliodas, and lastly Ban. Diane does AoE damage so you need to eliminate her first. Note that only Hawk & Elizabeth and Ban can be petrified and Meliodas gets stronger when he's the only one left on the field. Use Blue Guilla's ignite to boost Green Jericho's attack.
12 Post Town Tala Fairy King Harlequin RNG plays a big factor in winning. Keep in mind that Blue Ban is immune to Freeze all the time and Green King removes the freeze buff at the start of his turn. You can use a rank 2 or 3 Freeze on Green King to inflict additional damage before using an ultimate. Stack Ignite debuffs and rush Blue Guila's ultimate. You can also cleanse the Extort debuff using Blue Guila's recovery skill.
13 Liones Castle In Order to Protect Enemy Blue King is immune to Freeze and Red Howzer removes the Freeze debuff at the start of his turn. Red Guila on the other hand is immune to petrification. The best strategy to CC opponents is to Freeze Red Guila and petrify Blue King. Disable recovery of Blue King using Green Gustav and remove any of the enemies' ultimate gauge using Red Helbram when their ultimate is up.
14 Liones Castle Holy Knight Pincer Attack Decrease enemy Green Giant Diane's attack-related stats using Red Dreyfus. Rush Red Howzer's ultimate to decrease the enemy skill ranks and deplete their ultimate gauge. Use Green Gilthunder's attack buff before using an ultimate.
15 Liones Castle A New Structure Target Green Giant Diane first. If an enemy's ultimate gauge is full, use Red Helbram to petrify or deplete an ultimate move gauge orb.
16 Liones Castle "Nightmare Teller" Target Green Giant Diane first to remove the ult-gauge lock. Note that enemy Blue Gowther and Blue Howzer remove petrification during their turn. Also, limit the number of attacks on Blue Howzer because his attack-related stats passively increases with more attacks received, so burst him with your ultimate instead.
17 Liones Castle Once Again, Among the Flowers RNG plays a big factor in winning. Rush Red Vivian's ultimate to burst either Red Merlin or Red Meliodas and restrict an enemy from using their ultimate. Use Green Gilthunder's Rupture attack when the enemy has a buff from Blue Arthur and stack Blue Hendrickson's Ignite to deal more damage.
18 Liones Castle Proud Holy Knight Eliminate Red Elizabeth first, then use Red Dreyfus' ultimate to take down Green Meliodas. Finish off Green Ban next, and lastly Green Giant Diane. Enemies will focus their attacks on Blue Hendrickson but you can use your Lifesteal attacks to recover HP.
19 Dalmally Dead End Enemy Blue Meliodas is immune to Poison. Cancel his stance and decrease his attack using Green Ruin's skills. When Blue Meliodas is debuffed, Golgius can inflict additional damage with his Weak Point skill effect.
20 Dalmally [Weird Fangs] Maximize the use of debuffs because the enemy cannot cleanse. Rush Blue Freesia's ult to inflict Corrosion damage. Use Green Ruin to mitigate incoming damage.
21 Dalmally Whose Trap Is It Anyway RNG plays a big factor in winning. Use Green Jericho's Weak Point skill to your advantage by inflicting debuffs before attacking. Burst down Red Ban first and use her ultimate skill to one-shot an enemy.
22 Ordan Village Game of Deception Use Red Slater's debuff to cancel enemies' non-attack skills. Stack Pierce Rate from Winheidt's passive and finally use Simon's ultimate to clear the enemies.
23 Ordan Village The Goat Sin of Lust Gowther Appears Use Blue Weinheidt's attack disable and rush Simon's ultimate. When Green Ban has an Extort buff, use Hugo's Rupture skill effect to inflict bonus damage.
24 West District Unwelcome Hero Green Meliodas is immune to stun/attack disable. Rush Red Dogedo's ultimate to cancel enemy stance. Continue to use debuff skill and survive while filling up the 3 heroes' ultimate move gauge. Use Blue Arden's ultimate first, followed by the 2 other ultimates. You must take down the enemy in one turn.
25 Vaizel Handicap Match, Start! Rush Red Howzer's ultimate to inflict a strong AoE damage, additionally decreasing the enemies' skill ranks and ultimate move gauge by the number of skill rank decreases.
Village Stage Tips
1 Holy Knights of Liones Back Then at Vaizel Burst down enemy Blue Meliodas in one turn using Blue Guila's Ignite and Green Jericho's attacks. The same strategy follows on taking down Green King and Green Ban, respectively.
2 Holy Knights of Liones Contest of Strength Burst down enemy Howzer first to remove his Unique ability buff. Follow-up by eliminating Gilthunder and Griamore, respectively.
3 The Other Heroes Another Chance! Use Green Allioni's Taunt skill to absorb damage from enemy Red Gilthunder's ultimate. Only use your ultimate if you can fully deplete the boss' HP.
4 The Other Heroes Victory Should Have Been Mine! Focus first on enemy Blue Meliodas using Green Cain's damage debuff skills. Do not inflict debuff on Blue Diane as much as possible. Rush Cain's ultimate to inflict a strong AoE damage.
5 The Pleiades of the Azure Sky I Wanted to Go to the Fight Festival Use Red Deldry's Taunt skill to absorb damage from all attacks. Target Blue Diane first because she's easier to defeat. Green Ban recovers 30% of lost HP if he survives an ultimate move, so make sure to defeat him instantly when using one. Lastly, use Blue Arden's Break skill when Blue Meliodas is assuming a stance.
6 The Pleiades of the Azure Sky I Didn't Want to See You Get the Medal... Target enemy Red Gowther first to negate his buff effects, followed by Green Merlin and lastly Blue Giant Diane. Note that Blue Giant Diane increases her lifesteal when her HP reaches below 50%. She also heals 20% of diminished HP at the start of her turn.
7 Roars of Dawn Betrayal Burst Red Dreyfus first. Use Red Slater’s debuff then Hugo's Weak Point attack to deal significant damage.
8 Roars of Dawn Who's Stronger Use Green Jillian's Pierce attacks in combo with Blue Weinheidt's Unique ability to inflict more damage. Focus on enemy Green Dogedo first.
9 Roars of Dawn End of the Pursuit In one turn, burst down the enemy on the right because he has the lowest HP. Follow up your attacks on the middle enemy and take him down before he can cast his ultimate. If you have a Blue Slater, you can alternatively use him instead of Red Slater because he is more effective in this stage.
10 Weird Fangs Rat Race Always use Green Ruin's and Blue Freesia's debuff skills to weaken the enemies. Rush Green Ruin's ultimate to burst down Green Dreyfus first.
11 Weird Fangs On the Run Focus your attacks on the right enemy first. Consistently use Green Ruin's and Blue Freesia's debuff skills to weaken the enemies. Use Blue Golgius' "Throwing Star" skill to inflict strong AoE damage on debuffed enemies. Take note that the middle enemy takes reduced damage from ultimates.
Village Stage Tips
1 Liones Castle Nonexistent Feelings Use red gowther's attack seal to reduce incoming damage.
2 My Sweet Gluttony The Strike of Love Defeat Blue Arden first and use your Extort skill to increase attack and defense.
3 My Sweet Gluttony The Rythm of Magic You need a little bit of luck on your first and second draws to quickly fill up your Ult Gauge. Apply an Extort before casting your Ultimate Move on Deathpierce/Denzel to deal more damage.
4 Liones Castle The Three Grandmasters Make sure to use Extort before casting your Ultimate Move for maximum damage.
5 Labyrinth Center [Weird Fangs] on the Run Make sure to use Extort before casting your Ultimate for maximum damage. It is best to target Freesia first. Note that Ruin revives once with 20% max HP when dying.
6 Liones Castle The Final Blow Clear and defeat Escanor before he uses his Ultimate Move.
7 Liones Castle Commandment of Love Use Lifesteal food. Make sure your counter is always active. Use Estarossa's Ultimate Move when Slater uses his Ultimate Move. Be careful of him when he has high Ult Gauge.
8 My Sweet Gluttony A Touching Reunion Elaine's Ultimate Move is a counter to Ban's Extort.

Blue Elaine is the best hero to use because she can deal more damage than Green Elain.

She can also increase her own defense-related stats and decrease the enemy's attack-related stats.

Either way, you need luck on your draw to win. If you are using Blue Elaine, defeat Ban first.

If you are using Green Elaine, defeat Jericho first.

9 Camelot Castle Excessive Violence Defeat Merlin first to avoid getting your Ult Gauge depleted.
10 My Sweet Gluttony Galland Game Red Melascula is crucial to revive Galland when he soaks up the damage. Blue Galland is highly recommended to use, but Red Galland is also viable.
11 Camelot Castle The Fairy King's Qualifications Note that Green Jericho's Unique increases her attack as her HP gets lower.
12 Labyrinth Center Old War Buddies Recover with Red Gloxinia's heal when available. Use Green Drole's "Giga Pick" on the enemy with more Ult Gauge orbs. Apply debuffs before using Red Gloxinia's Ultimate Move to inflict more damage.
13 Light of Grace Light of Judgment Defeat Sariel first to remove damage threat. Use Green Monspeet's Rank 2 or 3 "Black Fire" skill to deplete the enemy's Ult Gauge. Use Blue Tarmiel as Association to Galland.
14 Light of Grace Fierce Battle Requires luck on your draws to win. Rush Red Derieri's Ult and defeat Sariel first. Use Green Monspeet's Rank 2 or 3 "Black Fire" skill to deplete the enemy's Ult Gauge. Use Blue Tarmiel as Association to Monspeet to increase survivability.
15 Liones Castle The Return of the Hero Requires luck on your draws to win. Rush Red Derieri's Ult and focus on Red EliHawk before she can use her Ultimate Move. (She can revive once so you need to defeat her twice) Use Green Monspeet's Rank 2 or 3 "Black Fire" skill to deplete the enemy's Ult Gauge. Use Blue Tarmiel as Association to Monspeet to increase survivability.
16 Labyrinth Center Meliodas vs. [The Ten Commandments] Use Ult Gauge food. Requires luck on your draws to win. You need Red Derieri and Red Zeldris' Ult to defeat the stage. Target Blue Meliodas first to remove damage threat. Use Red Derieri's Evade to protect against Blue Meliodas' attacks.

HP: Red Zeldris > Red Derieri.

Special Stage
You can achieve all 30 stars using Level 60 and SA1 heroes.