Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Game Wiki

Published May 25 2020
Last Updated September 2 2022

Red Vivian has a skill which disables enemies' Ultimate Moves, making her effective at disrupting the enemies' most powerful skills.

Hero Rating & Base Stats[]

Red vivian radar chart
Red vivian stat bar

Hero Advanced Stats[]

Red vivian advanced stat


Darkness Bolt
Icon vivian staff skill 01 Rank 1 Skillicon damage debuff Inflicts damage equal to 180% of Attack on one enemy. Ignite for 3 turns.
Rank 2 Skillicon damage debuff Inflicts damage equal to 240% of Attack on one enemy. Ignite for 3 turns.
Rank 3 Skillicon damage debuff Inflicts damage equal to 400% of Attack on one enemy. Applies 2 Ignite for 4 turns.

Freeze Coffin
Icon vivian staff skill 02 Rank 1

Skillicon debuff

Disables Ultimate Moves of one enemy for 1 turn.
Rank 2

Skillicon debuff

Disables Ultimate Moves of one enemy for 2 turns.
Rank 3

Skillicon debuff

Disables Ultimate Moves of one enemy for 3 turns.


Four Elements of Destruction

Icon vivian staff special 01 Inflicts Shatter damage equal to 630 / 693 / 756 / 819 / 882 / 945% of Attack on one enemy.


Passive 81 4 Increases Attack by 8% for every orb filled in the hero's Ultimate Move Gauge.

Hero Guide (Coming Soon!)[]



Vivian is an enigmatic Holy Knight once directly serving under Great Holy Knight Hendrickson and used to be an apprentice of Merlin, the Boar's Sin Gluttony. Vivian is regarded as the kingdom of Liones' greatest mage.

