Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Game Wiki

Published May 24 2020
Last Updated September 25 2023

Red Demon Meliodas' skills ignite enemies to increase damage taken and infect them to suppress recovery-related activities.

Hero Rating & Base Stats[]

Red demon meliodas radar chart
Red demon meliodas stat bar

Hero Advanced Stats[]

Red demon meliodas advanced stat


Icon meliodas demon ssr type01 skill 01 Rank 1 Skillicon damage debuff Inflicts damage equal to 180% of Attack on one enemy. Ignite for 3 turns.
Rank 2 Skillicon damage debuff Inflicts damage equal to 270% of Attack on one enemy. Applies 2 Ignite for 4 turns.
Rank 3 Skillicon damage debuff Inflicts damage equal to 450% of Attack on one enemy. Applies 3 Ignite for 5 turns.

Blaze Burst
Icon meliodas demon ssr type01 skill 02 Rank 1

Skillicon damage

Inflicts damage equal to 220% of Attack on one enemy.
Rank 2

Skillicon damage debuff

Inflicts damage equal to 220% of Attack on one enemy. Infect for 1 turn.
Rank 3

Skillicon damage debuff

Inflicts damage equal to 360% of Attack on one enemy. Infect for 2 turns.


Hell Buster

Icon meliodas demon ssr type01 special 01 Inflicts Weak Point damage equal to 385 / 424 / 463 / 502 / 541 / 578% of Attack on one enemy.

Combined Attack[]

Devil Assault

Icon fate skill meliodas demon merlin Inflicts Weak Point damage equal to 440 / 484 / 528 / 572 / 616 / 660% of Attack on one enemy.


Rdmeliodas passive
Increases Crit Chance by 50% for each dead ally.
Icon passive condition sub Icon passive condition all contents
Active even in Sub slot. Active for all content.

Hero Guide (Coming Soon!)[]



Meliodas is the Dragon's Sin of Wrath and captain of the Seven Deadly Sins, formerly the owner of the renowned tavern Boar Hat, and is the main protagonist of the series. His Sacred Treasure is the Demon Sword Lostvayne and his inherent power is Full Counter.

