Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Game Wiki

Published March 21 2021
Last Updated September 29 2023

Hero Rating[]

PVP (Normal) 6/ 10
PVP (Elite) 6/ 10
PVE 4/ 10
Unique Ability 5/ 10
Red Demon 3/ 10
Gray Demon 3/ 10
Howlex 1/ 10
Bellmoth 1/ 10
Original Demon 1/ 10
Hraesvelgr 1/ 10
Eikthyrnir 1/ 10
Skoll and Hati 1/ 10

Hero Advanced Stats[]

Green mk2 valenti advanced stat


Chain Reaction
Icon disaster valenty mk2 ssr type01 skill 02 Rank 1 Skillicon damage Inflicts Sever damage equal to 120% of Attack on all enemies.
Rank 2 Skillicon damage Inflicts Sever damage equal to 180% of Attack on all enemies.
Rank 3 Skillicon damage Inflicts Sever damage equal to 300% of Attack on all enemies.

Rocket Punch
Icon disaster valenty mk2 ssr type01 skill 01 Rank 1

Skillicon damage debuff

Inflicts damage equal to 160% of Attack on one enemy and blocks all skill effects including those of Ultimate Moves for 1 turn. (Excludes Stance and Recovery Skills)
Rank 2

Skillicon damage debuff

Inflicts damage equal to 240% of Attack on one enemy and blocks all skill effects including those of Ultimate Moves for 1 turn. (Excludes Stance and Recovery Skills)
Rank 3

Skillicon damage debuff

Inflicts damage equal to 400% of Attack on one enemy and blocks all skill effects including those of Ultimate Moves for 2 turns. (Excludes Stance and Recovery Skills)


Event Horizon

Icon disaster valenty mk2 ssr type01 special 01 Increases damage dealt by 50% and decreases damage taken by 50% for 3 turns, then inflicts damage equal to 350 / 385 / 420 / 455 / 490 / 525% of Attack on all enemies.


Inventor of the Era
Icon exclusive skill 1886501
Increases the hero's Pierce Rate and Crit Damage by the value equal to half of the hero's Crit Resistance at the start of the battle. (Applies when entering battle.)
Icon passive condition start combat Icon passive condition all contents
Active when entering battle. Active for all content.

Hero Guide[]


[Magic Weapon MK-II] Valenti of Obsession was a unit added for the Seven Catastrophes Special Draw.  She is another HP variant of Valenti, who was an original character that was created specifically for Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross and is a member of the Seven Disasters, an antagonist group that seeks to destroy the Seven Deadly Sins.  In the event battle storyline, this version of Valenti is equipped with a weapon that she has built, which are basically two very large arms supporting her weight.  These are similar to the arms that are suspended in the air next to her in her normal OC form, but they are much much larger.  As she describes, the weapon works pretty well, but it’s not as easy to move around, likely because it’s significantly larger than her previous gear.  To resolve an issue with low energy output, she replaced the battery with a golem core that absorbs and stores magic from nearby sources, which is an essential and unique part of the design of her weapon.  She is a great unit to use in PvP.


  • Crit Resistance equipment + Association increases her Pierce Rate and Crit Damage
  • Weakens attacks from enemies who rely on skill effects to deal damage (such as The One’s Flood, Red Sariel’s Sever & Power Strike, and Assault Meliodas’s Amplify & Rupture)
  • Debuff also blocks enemy buff effects (such as Gowther’s rank-up, Goddess Elizabeth's Shield, Green Diane's Taunt, etc.)
  • Works well with a mono-green team with Roxy since she is Human and HP attribute


  • Requires having either Green or Blue Lillia for optimal Association
  • Stacking up on Crit Resistance gear reduces her Defense, so she is squishy against high Attack counters
  • Needs high-level Crit Resistance equipment to take advantage of her Unique ability
  • Soft countered by heroes with Attack Disable

Skill Review[]

Chain Reaction: MK-II Valenti’s first skill does AOE Sever damage, which gives a 2x Critical Chance Increase.  Rank 1 of this skill does 120% Attack, Rank 2 does 180% Attack, and Rank 3 does 300% Attack.

Rocket Punch: MK-II Valenti’s debuff skill inflicts damage on a single target while also blocking all skill effects.  This block includes Ultimate Moves but excludes Stance and Recovery skills.  Rank 1 of this skill does 160% of Attack and blocks all skill effects for one turn.  Rank 2 of this skill does 240% of Attack and blocks all skill effects for one turn.  Rank 3 of this skill does 400% of Attack and blocks all skill effects for two turns.  This skill is very effective in PvP for debuffing your enemy.  

Ultimate - Event Horizon: MK-II Valenti’s Ultimate Move does AOE damage, and increases the damage that she will deal by 50%.  This move also decreases damage that she takes by 50% for 3 turns.  Both of these effects are useful in both PvP and PvE.

Unique: MK-II Valenti’s Unique ability helps her immensely in PvP.  Her passive increases her Pierce Rate and Crit Damage by the value equal to half of her Crit Resistance at the start of the battle, once she enters into combat.  To best utilize this skill, she has an Association with both Green and Blue Lillia that gives increased Crit Resistance %.  Coupling this with Crit Resistance equipment can help to increase her Pierce Rate and Crit Damage by an optimal amount.


The gear sets recommended are for early to mid-game usage. The first set is to equip MK-II Valenti with Attack and Crit Resistance gear. This is to utilize Valenti’s passive to the fullest potential, massively increasing her Crit damage and Pierce damage for bigger overall attack damage. The second set is an Attack and Health set. This set is to synergize with the team more by adding extra CC and increasing MK-II Valenti's durability on the field.

MK-II Valenti is an excellent choice for fun or mid-game PVP action. The go-to setup for MK-II Valenti is a full Catastrophe team. Some Catastrophe units have passives that increase defensive stats or attack stats exclusively only for Catastrophe units. MK-II Valenti needs more defensive stats than attack so a good teammate to have on the field with Valenti will be Red Awakened Eastin. Red Awakened Eastin's passive decreasing damage taken to Catastrophe units works perfectly with Valenti as she has low defense and you will not need to sacrifice as much damage stats for defense. Another honorable unit to mention is Green Awakened Mono; her passive furthering lowers the enemy's Crit Resistance and Defense which increases Valenti’s damage output as Valenti’s skills rely on Crit damage.   

Association Name Association With Stat Increased
I Don’t Like You Red Diane Defense
Spear and Shield Green Diane Defense
Still Cute When Small! Blue Diane Defense
Dependable Leader Green Lillia Crit Resistance %
Best Friends Blue Lillia Crit Resistance %

Holy Relic[]

Icon weapon disaster valenty mk2 0551 cSol's Chariot



Valenti is an original character made for Grand Cross mobile game. She is a member of the Seven Disasters. She used to live in an unknown world where she was forced to live isolated in a laboratory in order to develop weapons until being summoned by Lilia after her wish to find friends who share her ideology. Valenti quickly becomes friends with the mage and agrees to help her to achieve her goal.

