Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Game Wiki

Published May 22 2020
Last Updated August 29 2022

Green Howzer's stance skill counters when all allies are attacked and proves to be effective against enemies using all-target attacks or single-target attacks.

Hero Rating & Base Stats[]

Green howzer radar chart
Green howzer stat bar

Hero Advanced Stats[]

Green howzer advanced stat


Whirl Shock
Icon howzer sr type01 skill 08 Rank 1 Skillicon damage Inflicts damage equal to 240% of Attack on one enemy.
Rank 2 Skillicon damage Cancels Stances on one enemy and inflicts damage equal to 300% of Attack.
Rank 3 Skillicon damage Cancels Stances on one enemy and inflicts damage equal to 500% of Attack.

Wind Shoot
Icon howzer sr type01 skill 03 Rank 1

Skillicon stance

Assumes a Stance for 1 turn which inflicts damage equal to 160% of Attack via counter when all allies are attacked.
Rank 2

Skillicon stance

Assumes a Stance for 1 turn which inflicts damage equal to 240% of Attack via counter when all allies are attacked.
Rank 3

Skillicon stance

Assumes a Stance for 1 turn which inflicts damage equal to 400% of Attack via counter when all allies are attacked.


Triple Upper

Icon howzer sr type01 special 01 Inflicts damage equal to 540 / 594 / 648 / 702 / 756 / 810% of Attack on one enemy. Disables Recovery Skills for 2 turns.


Burning Up!
Ghowzer passive Increases Crit Chance by 10% per each Ultimate Move Gauge orb. Increases by an additional 50% if it completely filled.

Hero Guide (Coming Soon!)[]



Howzer is the Great Holy Knight of Liones, a colleague and partner of Gilthunder, and a former subordinate of the former Great Holy Knight, Dreyfus. During his childhood, Howzer was the childhood friend of Gilthunder, Griamore, Margaret, Veronica and Elizabeth as they always play together. Howzer was taught how to be a knight by Dreyfus and became a Holy Knight after the Seven Deadly Sins were framed.

