Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Game Wiki
Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Game Wiki

Published November 16 2020
Last Updated October 28 2023

Hero Rating & Base Stats[]

PVP (Normal) 4 / 10
PVP (Elite) 4 / 10
PVE 4 / 10
Unique Ability 6 / 10
Red Demon 1 / 10
Gray Demon 2 / 10
Howlex 1 / 10
Bellmoth 1 / 10
Hraesvelgr 1 / 10

Green gloxinia stat bar

Hero Advanced Stats[]

Green gloxinia advanced stat


Vine Stab
Icon gloxinia ssr type01 skill 01 Rank 1 Skillicon damage debuff Inflicts damage equal to 140% of Attack on one enemy. Makes target Bleed for 2 turns.
Rank 2 Skillicon damage debuff Inflicts damage equal to 210% of Attack on one enemy. Makes target Bleed for 2 turns.
Rank 3 Skillicon damage debuff Inflicts damage equal to 350% of Attack on one enemy. Makes target Bleed for 2 turns.

Spirit Spear Basquias, Ninth Form: Death Thorn
Icon gloxinia ssr type01 skill 02 Rank 1

Skillicon damage

Inflicts damage equal to 120% of Attack on all enemies.
Rank 2

Skillicon damage debuff

Inflicts damage equal to 120% of Attack on all enemies. Disables Attack Skills for 1 turn.
Rank 3

Skillicon damage debuff

Inflicts damage equal to 180% of Attack on all enemies. Disables Attack Skills for 2 turns.


Spirit Spear Basquias, First Form: Basquias

Icon gloxinia ssr type01 special 01 Inflicts Ruin damage equal to 560 / 616 / 672 / 728 / 784 / 840% of Attack on one enemy.


The King Virtue
Icon exclusive skill 1535001
Increases the hero’s Defense-related stats by 5% for every surviving ally. Increases Attack-related stats by 5% when an ally dies. (Applies when entering battle)
Icon passive condition start combat Icon passive condition all contents
Active when entering battle. Active for all content.


Commandment of Repose
Icon exclusive skill 1535051
Decreases Attack-related stats of heroes who use 2 or more skills in 1 turn by 30% for 2 turns in PVP. (Applies to both allies and enemies when entering battle. Applies before the second skill is activated)
Icon passive condition start combat Icon passive condition pvp only
Active when entering battle. Active only in PVP.

Hero Guide (Coming Soon!)[]



Gloxinia is the first king of the Fairy King's Forest, but later defected and became recruited as the Repose of the Ten Commandments. However, after seeing King's choice, he ultimately left and returned to affiliate with the Fairy Clan.

