Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Game Wiki
Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Game Wiki

Published December 8 2021
Last Updated August 30 2023

Blue Fairy King Harlequin uses an attack skill with the Power Strike effect to deal great damage against enemies with high Resistance.

Hero Rating & Base Stats[]

PVP (Normal) 7 / 10
PVP (Elite) 7 / 10
PVE 10 / 10
Unique Ability 10 / 10
Red Demon 5 / 10
Gray Demon 3 / 10
Howlex 1 / 10
Bellmoth 1 / 10
Original Demon 1 / 10
Hraesvelgr 8 / 10
Eikthyrnir 4 / 10
Skoll and Hati 8 / 10
Nidhoggr 4 / 10

Hero Advanced Stats[]

Blue fairy king harlequin advanced stat


True Spirit Spear Chastiefol, Fifth Form: "Increase"
Icon king regent ssr type01 skill 01 Rank 1 Skillicon damage
Inflicts Power Strike damage equal to 110% of Attack on all enemies.
Rank 2 Skillicon damage
Inflicts Power Strike damage equal to 165% of Attack on all enemies.
Rank 3 Skillicon damage
Inflicts Power Strike damage equal to 275% of Attack on all enemies.

True Spirit Spear Chastiefol, First Form: "Chastiefol"
Icon king regent ssr type01 skill 02 Rank 1 Skillicon damage
Inflicts Sever damage equal to 120% of Attack on all enemies.
Rank 2 Skillicon damage
Inflicts Sever damage equal to 180% of Attack on all enemies.
Rank 3 Skillicon damage
Inflicts Sever damage equal to 300% of Attack on all enemies.


True Spirit Spear Chastiefol, Fourth Form: "Sunflower"
Icon king regent ssr type01 special 01
Removes Debuffs from allies and Buffs from enemies. For each Buff removed, increase damage taken by enemies whose Buffs were removed by 2% for 1 turn, then inflicts damage equal to 400% of Attack on all enemies.

Damage taken increase on enemies with Buffs removed: 2 / 3 / 5 / 10 / 20 / 40%

Damage multiplier: 400 / 440 / 480 / 520 / 560 / 600%


Pollen Garden
Icon exclusive skill 1866501
When the hero uses a skill, increases damage dealt to enemies by 30%, then creates a barrier around allies equal to 15% of damage dealt for 1 turn. Decreases damage taken by 100% and increases damage dealt by 25%.

Icon passive condition start combat Icon passive condition destroy except
Active when entering battle. Active outside of Death Match.

Hero Guide[]

Blue Fairy King Harlequin was made available on December 7th, 2021 for 7DSGC Global’s 2.5th Anniversary update. This version of King depicts his transformation with wings fully-developed during his battle against Mael.

In Grand Cross, King uses his Chastiefol to attack enemies with AOE damage. His first skill inflicts a Power Strike effect, which deals bonus damage on targets with higher Resistance. It is one of the most potent skills against tanky heroes and bosses like Hraesvelgr. The second skill inflicts a Sever effect which increases Crit Chance by 3x. With two of King's skills focusing on damage output, it is highly recommended to equip him with a full-damage gear set.

While both of his attacks are focused on damage-dealing, King's offensive attacks also generate protection for his allies. His Unique ability allows him to generate a barrier that shields allies based on the amount of damage dealt. While the barrier is up, it decreases all the damage taken by 100% and increases your allies' damage dealt by 25%.

King’s Ultimate ability provides utility by cleansing and removing buffs from enemies before attacking. It amplifies the damage received by the enemy based on the amount of buff removal.


  • Able to boost his allies offensively and defensively through his passive
  • Barrier negates negative skill effects
  • Power Strike and Unique ability effects
  • Equipped with double AOE skills


  • Countered by heroes with Attack Disable
  • Unique doesn't work in Death Match
  • Fewer enemies on the field lead to a weaker shield

Skill Review[]

True Spirit Spear Chastiefol, Fifth Form: "Increase" - An AOE attack with a Power Strike effect. This skill is effective against heroes and bosses with high Resistance as it increases the amount of damage inflicted the higher their Resistance is. It deals even more damage when boosted by the effects of his Unique ability.

True Spirit Spear Chastiefol, First Form: "Chastiefol" - An AOE attack with Sever effect, which gives a 3x Critical Chance Increase. Not only does it inflict reliable damage for the team, but it also creates a strong barrier for allies from the effects of his Unique ability.

Ultimate: True Spirit Spear Chastiefol, Fourth Form: "Sunflower" - Fairy King Harlequin’s Ultimate move cleanses debuffs from allies and removes buffs from the enemy before attacking. His damage is dependent on the number of buffs removed from the enemy, countering numerous buff users in PVP like Blue Festival Ludociel and Blue Nanashi. You can increase the damage of this Ultimate by using a King attack first then using the Ultimate.

Unique: Pollen Garden - All of King’s attacks will deal an additional 30% damage to enemies. Moreover, it generates a barrier around his allies based on 15% of the damage dealt. As long as the barrier is active, your team will only receive damage from basic stats, meaning it nullifies the additional effects such as Amplify, Blaze, Charge, etc. The barrier also decreases damage taken by 100% and increases damage dealt by 25% which is an immense boost to allies. An important note to keep in mind is that any damage increase source prior to King's attack will boost King’s damage thus leading to a better shield.

Gear Recommendation[]

The recommended gear sets for Fairy King Harlequin will be Attack and Crit Dmg sets. The combination of these sets will lead to King doing heavy damage to the enemies leading to a tanky shield from King’s passive. HP and Defense sets are a good choice as well if you are looking to utilize King for more of a supporter role.


  • Bracer/Ring - Attack
  • Necklace/Earring -Defense
  • Belt / Rune - HP


Fairy King Harlequin sets up his team for a great offensive and defensive boost with his Unique ability, which increases his own damage dealt by 30% and then creates a barrier for 1 turn, equal to 15% of the damage dealt. When his barrier is up, it reduces all incoming damage by 100%, making it really hard for the enemy to burst you, while also increasing the damage dealt by all your units by 25% as long as they have the shield.

Blue Fairy King Harlequin is a flexible unit capable of working with several different units and even doing a lot of damage on his own. His preferred team composition includes Red Festival Diane, any Sin (Light Ban, LR Lostvayne Meliodas, Light The Ultimate One Escanor), and Green Festival Zeldris or Ragnarok Ban.

Given enough time, he can remove all buffs with King’s Ultimate on enemy units that rely on them (such as Green “Assault Mode” Meliodas, Blue Festival Ludociel, Blue Nanashi, or Dark Traitor Meliodas) while also cleansing his own team from all debuffs to deal a massive amount of damage.

A full Fairy composition can include units like Blue Golden Wings Elaine, Green Helbram, and any offensive or defensive backline.


He can clear the waves faster than most heroes because of his 2 AOE active skills. He can run as a solo unit to quickly farm ingredients and equipment materials. King is also an efficient farmer in the Events Dungeon, Enhance and Evolution Attribute Dungeons, and Gold Dungeons. He’s also really useful for Story Mode by giving your allies a defensive and offensive boost.

Demonic Beast Battle - He’s also a solid choice for endgame content such as Hraesvelgr, Skoll and Hati, and Nidhoggr (only floor 1)  in Patience teams. There are team compositions for him in both boss battles, all of which also include Blue Ban. Ban helps to reduce the damage taken by Harlequin’s shield by decreasing all enemies’ Attack-related stats by 15% each turn, in order to keep it intact for as long as possible, which in turn allows Ban’s passive to continue working. If you are lacking Blue Ban or he is not invested in, Dark Tratior Meliodas is a solid companion with King as Meliodas’s defense passive can assist in making King’s shield stronger.

Overall, Blue Fairy King Harlequin is a strong unit in the game with really high stats, able to deal a huge amount of damage against several enemies, cleanse his allies from debuffs, and remove buffs from enemies.

Association Name Association With Stat Increased
I Have to Stop Him Red Demon Meliodas Attack +280
Friend and Savior Green Demon Meliodas Attack +280
Stupid Youth Blue Demon Meliodas Attack +280
Count on Me Red Nunchuck Ban Lifesteal +12%
I Didn’t Mean It Green Nunchuck Ban Lifesteal +12%
Tavern Employees Blue Nunchuck Ban Lifesteal +12%

Holy Relic[]

Icon weapon king regent 0551 cSurtr's Flaming Helix Spear



King is the Grizzly's Sin of Sloth of the Seven Deadly Sins. His real name is Fairy King Harlequin and he is the protector of the Fairy King's Forest and the Fairy Realm. His Sacred Treasure is the Spirit Spear Chastiefol, which he uses in conjunction with his inherent power, Disaster. He is also the older brother of Elaine, the guardian of the Fountain of Youth, as well as the husband of Diane, a fellow member of the Sins, and a future Giant Queen.

