Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Game Wiki

Published July 5 2020

Updated October 28 2022
Each hero has different meals that can be given to them to increase their Affinity.


Affinity Rewards[]

Affinity Level Reward
1 Hero Artwork
2 Hero CV (voice line)
3 Diamond
4 Hero Motion
5 Costume Item (Outfit or Weapon)

In addition to the above rewards, maxing out a Hero's Affinity reward also unlocks an additional Affection heart that can be filled in.

Food for Affinity[]

Hero Food for Affinity
Allioni Chicken Matango Tamagoyaki
Arden Fried Chicken
Arthur Chicken Wings Grilled with Sugar

Caviar Milk Canape

Ban Bread and Cheese with Vegetables

Seafood Stew

Bellion Sand Crawler Grilled with Herbs
Brunhild Honey Pudding
Cain Sand Crawler Grilled with Butter
Camila Milk Pudding
Chandler Seafood Stew
Cusack Chicken Steak
Deathpierce Milk and Strawberry Combo

Egg Salad

Deldry Honey Salad
Diane Sweet Meatpie

Honey-roasted Chicken Matango

Dreyfus Milk Meatpie

Dragon Skewer with Butter

Elaine Herb Ciabatta

Egg and Chips

Elizabeth Egg Pudding

Veggie Salad

Escanor Caviar Milk Canape

Raisin with Sugar

Freesia Sweet Apple Pie

Dragon Skewer with Salt

Freyr Veggie Apple Pie
Galland Bread with Pepper

Caviar Honey Canape

Gilthunder Bread and Cheese with Sugar

Chicken and Egg Risotto

Golgius Dragon Skewer with Pepper
Gowther Butter and Strawberry Combo

Milk and Strawberry Combo Rasin with Pepper

Green Sariel Raisin with Sugar
Griamore Sand Crawler Grilled with Salt

Honey Apple Pie

Guila Glazed Chicken

Chicken Rice Ball with Butter

Gustav Caviar Sugar Canape
Helbram Chicken Matango Grilled with Butter

Milk and Strawberry Combo Egg Salad

Hendrickson Seafood Hot Pot
Howzer Grilled Beef with Salt

Egg Sandwich

Hugo Chicken Wings Grilled with Pepper
Jericho Grilled Beef with Pepper

Herbs and Strawberry Combo

Jillian Seafood Pasta
Jormungand Veggie Apple Pie
Jude Bread and Cheese with Pepper
King Veggie Apple Pie

Honey Salad

Lilia Herb Ciabatta

Egg and Chips

Liz Egg Pudding
Ludociel Raisin with Pepper
Megellda Honey Apple Pie
Marmas Chicken Steak
Melascula Caviar Sugar Canape
Meliodas Grilled Beef with Herbs

Honey Pudding

Merlin Sand Crawler Grilled with Herbs

Raisin with Sugar

Nanashi Seafood Pasta
Ruin Raisin with Salt
Sariel Raisin with Sugar
Sigurd Grilled Beef with Herbs
Skadi Honey Pudding
Simon Fish and Chips
Slater Veggie Meatpie

Steak and Chips

Taizoo Fried Chicken
Tarmiel Raisin with Sugar
Thonar Dragon Skewer with Pepper
Twigo Milk Pudding
Valenti Bread and Cheese with Vegetables

Egg Sandwich

Vivian Bread with Pepper

Caviar Honey Canape

Weinheidt Chicken Veggie Fried Rice
Zaratras Fish and Chips