Wiki 7DSGC

Attribute speed Velocidade (Azul)[]

Hendrickson [Ilusão do Âmbar da Deusa] Hendrickson[]

Recommended Heroes
Gmeliodas Gjillian Gelaine
Viable Heroes to Fill
Gmerlin Ggowther Ghendrickson

Obsessed Knight [Âmbar Azul] Cavaleiro Obcecado[]

Recommended Heroes
Gjericho Gdeathpierce Gvalenti
Viable Heroes to Fill
Gking Gruin Glillia Gdiane Grimuru Ghendrickson

Warzone Glutton [Âmbar Azul] Glutão do Campo de Batalha[]

Recommended Heroes
Gescanor Gelizabeth
Viable Heroes to Fill
Grimuru Ghelbram Galioni Ggil Ghendrickson Gmerlin

Attribute hp PV (Verde)[]

Overwhelming Terror [Âmbar Verde] Terror Esmagador[]

Recommended Heroes
Relihawk Ggustaf Rmerlin
Viable Heroes to Fill
Ggil Rdieane Rking Rnunchakuban

Vigorous Conqueror [Âmbar Verde] Conquistador Vigoroso[]

Recommended Heroes
Rban Rarthur Rdogedo
Viable Heroes to Fill
Rgil Rdreyfus Rgriamore Rdieane Rking Rmelascula Rnunchakuban

Timespirit [Âmbar Verde] Tempírito[]

Recommended Heroes
Rslater Rvivian
Viable Heroes to Fill
Rdmeliodas Rbenimaru Bmerlin Bmilim Rking Rjude Rnunchakuban

Attribute strength Força (Vermelho)[]

Bishop of Love [Âmbar Vermelho] Bispo do Amor[]

Recommended Heroes
Bmatronadiane Bgowther Blilia
Viable Heroes to Fill
Barthur Belizabeth Bmerlin Brimuru Bban Bgil Bmelascula Bslater

Frenzied Giant [Âmbar Vermelho] Gigante Frenético[]

Recommended Heroes
Bgalland Relizabeth Bmarmas
Viable Heroes to Fill
Belihawk Bmeliodas Rkungfudiane Bban Bgil Bhendrickson Bslater Brimuru

Explosive Giant [Âmbar Vermelho] Gigante Explosivo[]

Recommended Heroes
Bking Rhelbram Rgowther
Viable Heroes to Fill
Bgil Bweinheidt

Illusion Amber[]

Attribute speed Âmbar da Ilusão[]

Recommended Heroes
Gelihawk Gban
Viable Heroes to Fill
Gdeathpierce Galioni Gdreyfus Ghendrickson Ggowther

Attribute hp Âmbar da Ilusão[]

Recommended Heroes
Rhowzer Rtwigo Rjericho
Viable Heroes to Fill
Rsimon Rgriamore Rmelascula Rking

Attribute strength Âmbar da Ilusão[]

Recommended Heroes
Bdmeliodas Bguila Bjericho
Viable Heroes to Fill
Bweinheidt Bdiane Bmelascula Bgil